You and I are

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spotlight of the show
But chose the shadow
Glancing down to see
Thinking there'd be

A handful of dust
Among the velvet
Or faint fissures
Among the rubies

They say
"Gee, stunning!"
"Let's go dancing!"

One, two, three, four
Four counts to devour
The last moments
Of laments

Splitting the teens
Stumbling on the heels
Notes stop flying
Dead cables, lying

Raising fingers
Catching the last note that lingers
And singing to
the first vibrato

To dance under the rain

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

To dance under the rain
the rain of sorrow pain
dying in Vain
vain of an abyss
abyss that clashes
clashes to ashes
from ashes to rise
rise from lies
lies that dies
dies for a space
a space of hope
hope for sight
sight of glance
glance of a dance

(posted by my friend, Oscar Karwur as a response  to the previously posted "Autumn Leaves")

An Auld Lang Syne to Cherish

Sunday, March 3, 2013


by Walt Whitman

Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost,
No birth, identity, form--no object of the world.
Nor life, nor force, nor any visible thing;
Appearance must not foil, nor shifted sphere confuse thy brain.
Ample are time and space--ample the fields of Nature.
The body, sluggish, aged, cold--the embers left from earlier fires,
The light in the eye grown dim, shall duly flame again;
The sun now low in the west rises for mornings and for noons continual;
To frozen clods ever the spring's invisible law returns,
With grass and flowers and summer fruits and corn.

This poem I first encountered in the movie "The Notebook" is indeed a life's representation of continuous hope and faith that all things will always come out good in God's time. When you feel lost; when you feel that you are just an object of disposal; or when you feel that you do not know who you really are in the midst of artificial society, you should not let anxiety overcome you. It is easy to be overwhelmed by your own fear and doubts. However, one thing that can help you find a turning point is hope.

Hope is what keeps human alive and "flame again". Hope is what motivates us to wake up every morning, knowing that the darkness enveloping us will be torn down and give rise to the sun. Hope motivates us to work things out in ways possible for us to do. Hopes without action is naught; it is a fresh seed left burnt and dead under the sun.

After hope comes faith. When you have hoped and done whatever is best for your hope to come true, faith comes in the form of believing and surrendering to God that all you have done will bear good fruits. To every "frozen clod" there will always be the return of spring's abundance and summer joy. To every obstacle there will always be enlightenment and at the end, an auld lang syne to cherish.

Life is a cycle of continuous hope and faith, and nothing is ever lost in that cycle. What you think is lost actually metamorphoses to a new thing through awakening life experiences. People say they loose money; they seldom appreciate the notion that by loosing money, they learn to be more careful. People say they loose their loved ones; it is just physical and nothing from their lovely memories will ever be lost. Maybe by loosing their loved ones, they acquire the enlightenment to make an effort to cherish the next in line. So many losts in fact give way to a better understanding of and better things to your life and others that intersect your path.

So never let yourself down in what seems to be a "shifted sphere", "dimming light", or "frozen clods" for shifted sphere will give rise to new lives, dimming light is just momentary, and that frozen clods will always melt and be green again.