Thanks for sparing some of your leisure time to read my writing pieces! There will be many posts of sundry pieces (oh yes, it's the name of the blog), all in the form of short writings.
Sundry means (according to that old, smart, word-lovers of Oxford) not important enough to be named separately. Taking it literally, this blog would contain -um- seemingly unimportant things. However, seeing how things we consider unimportant add spices to our life (you can name those according to your own everyday habit), these belittled things are those that brighten up our days that are already full of the importants; scheduled meetings, important dates, important celebration -and other important things you don't really fancy doing.
I can name one that I really like, which others don't really get -brushing teeth. I LOVE brushing my teeth (strange? yeaa but thanks I don't need a further bewildered looks from you. or you). Gives me time to feel refreshed, and a clean mouth means a fresh start for me. I treasure those 3 minutes where I can look at myself in the mirror, admire my teeth (instead of looking at my oily face and bad hair), and at night, allow drowsiness to ooze in -one step closer to bed! Yeay!
Therefore, writing, despite its importance in my studies and my forthcoming career, can also be an "unimportant" thing that gives me time to feel relaxed and happy, and spoil my own private moments.
Anyway, anyhow, should you have anything to share with me, you can contact me every saturday noon, during the sunniest and brightest moment of the full-of-important-things week. I will certainly be online, writing another sundry entry!
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